By: Megs Crawford
Here's how planning my Christmas cards has always gone:
I decide I'm going to do them.
It sits on the back of my mind as a thing to do until Dec 21st.
I consider sending New Years cards instead.
No cards are sent but I have allowed it to consume my mind as a thing to do all season.
Funny enough, I don't weigh my options during these moments and evaluate the time I have to craft the cards. The generous gift of "Time-blindness" has come with my diagnosis of ADHD which means I can do everything. And likely can do it at the last minute and it'll probably only take me an hour.
But it actually won't and I don't have time for everything because I don't even have time for myself sometimes.
As a Professional Organizer and Coach with ADHD, I decided this year the holiday season needed to be different. I knew I had all kinds of tools up my sleeve and wanted to package it up to make the lives of other ADHD women like me just a bit easier.
I used my project management background to executive function the heck out of the card planning process. (no "executive function" is not a verb but I took the liberty to use it as one anyway). I broke down the design process to make that aspect so much easier.
THEN, I signed up for 7 different card-planning websites to see which one would be the most ADHD supportive in not only user-friendliness, but also least distractive, and most automated!
What I have found not only in my life but in the lives of most ADHDers that I work with is, we want to do big things. But, when there is a barrier of unknown in the way of doing the big thing, we avoid it until we have no choice but to face a deadline.
I've taken out the barriers and made it easy so it's another thing you can check off your list this holiday season. The thing with my ADHD is that I do want to do it all. I hate being told I need to take a step back or do less. But I needed to make it easier. and this was one way I could make that happened.
I would be so honored if you joined me this year in my Holiday Card Workshop for the ADHD Brain.
It's an hour long and you will walk away with a plan for:
>How much you will spend on cards
>How you will design your cards
>Which pictures you'll use (or not use)
>Which program you will use for design
>Who you will send cards to
>How to collect missing addresses
>A template to use every year moving forward.
Thanks for reading and supporting my journey.
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